contact us

For information about renting casa micanopy for your event or currently scheduled workshops/retreats open to the public, please contact:

casa micanopy
22259 NW 75 Avenue Road
Micanopy, FL 32667

  1. We have so much gratitude for the absolutely beautiful sacred space you provide. We have had numerous workshops, trainings and celebrations at Casa Micanopy and every single participant enters and starts to calm down! Thank you so much for your contribution to a peaceful world.

    Heart Phoenix
    River Phoenix Center for Peacebuilding
    Gainesville, Florida

  2. Heart Phoenix on October 10th, 2013 at 8:15 am
  3. Hi
    George came home and told me all about meeting you today at the Icehouse. I’ve looked at your website and see what marvelous things you have done! Welcome to Micanopy. It sounds like you have wonderful ideas in store and I wish you the best and look forward to hearing about events at Casa Micanopy.
    Looking forward to meeting you,

  4. Kathleen Wobie on September 23rd, 2009 at 3:25 pm
  5. Macarena,
    It was great to hear your voice again and nice to know that you will be up here more “permanently.” The website looks clean and crisp which accentuates your stunning photos. The journey was definitely worth it, creating beauty and healing is an honor.

  6. Joshua Shatkin on September 23rd, 2009 at 12:41 pm
  7. Querida Macarena,

    que sitio mas lindo… espero poder visitarlo pronto. Me alegra que se abra a otros grupos intresados en lo mismo!!!
    Ahora estoy asociada con otra maestra de Yoga y de pronto nos gustaria organizar un pequeño retiro con nuestros estudiantes mas antiguos.
    Enviame un poco mas de informacion, costos, etc… estoy pensando en un retiro de fin de semana (3 o 4 dias), para 10 personas.


  8. vanessa michel on September 23rd, 2009 at 8:36 am