Power of Ted Book
The Empowerment Dynamic…
Saturday – Sunday
May 18 and 19, 2013
 A New Paradigm for Peacebuilding


Sustainable peacebuilding requires a new way of thinking, relating and taking action in our community, our society, our world. We must find ways to shift our conversations and our strategies from reacting to problems to creating the outcomes we envision – a solutions-oriented approach.
This 2-day interactive and engaging workshop will help us individually and collectively – reflect on and answer three vital questions central to our work:

1.       Where do we put our focus? – Do we focus primarily on problems or on outcomes?

2.       How do we relate to others, ourselves and our experience? – Do we relate in ways that produce or perpetuate drama or in ways that lead to resourcefulness and empowerment of others and ourselves?

3.       What actions are we taking? – Are we merely reacting to the problems that we face or are we taking generative action in service to creating the peacebuilding outcomes we envision?


Facilitators David Emerald is the author of TED* and Donna Zajonc is director of coaching and practitioner services of The Power of Ted*


$125 – $225 Sliding Scale

Snacks and Lunches Included


To Register: www.centerforpeacebuilding.org